Mea Culpa and Looking Forward

We hope you are well and safe in these COVID conditions.

We are in the process of setting up a brand new location in  London. And Angus has moved to the UK with his family.  We are excited about the opportunity to expand our business there.  We are also planning a new bike for a 2022 release.

However, we must apologise for the delays in our responses and orders over the past 120-180 days. We have slipped in our customer service at Cycles Toussaint. We admit we have been slow with shipping and could be better communicators. But, it most cases we have tried to make amends in some way or another. For example, waiving shipping charges in situations.

Demand has been high with COVID. We are running into a few issues as we grow including enough inventory for the demand, running two locations and even just nail down internal communications with new processes. The funny thing - this often involves family and good friends in the business- so no one can hide:)  Our intent is always good. But, we have made mistakes. We are not shy to say so.  But, we are excited about the future at Cycles Toussaint.

And we can't forget our current social venture. Cycles Toussaint provides our very own designed and engineered trishaw bicycle that is durable, simple to ride and easy to service called Ami. The global interest has been amazing. Lead by Jane and Mike, the goal of our venture is to make it simple and easy to have passengers of all ages and capabilities experience the "wind in their hair".  A portion of the cost of each trishaw is forwarded to Cycling Without Age to support the growth of this wonderful movement.

Historically, our business lives has always put the customer first. For some context, we have built a number of people first businesses in our day to day professional life. But, cycling is our passion and in our blood.  Cycling is not a numbers game to us like those big brands. It’s also multi-generational. Angus' Great Uncle Cecil literally caught a death of a cold cycling incessantly from John O’Groats to Lands' End in the pouring rain of 1936. Angus' eldest son is currently a professional cyclist and his youngest son is nipping at his heels. Evan was a champion track rider (Pre-EPO;). But put aside the racing, we just enjoy the journey on our bikes and breathing in the global cycling culture from Asia to Europe and beyond. Our goal is to turn the industry on its ear. Our dream is that our customers would one day pass on their Toussaint as an heirloom to the next generation in their family. We always think about providing bikes with a high personal value to our customers, with good thoughtful design-engineering and sold at a very a reasonable price. We are on our own journey as a little company growing, succeeding and sometimes making mistakes. But, that journey is in progress and we are excited about what lays ahead.

Thank you for your consideration and patience. We appreciate that your time is valuable.  Please feel free to reach out with any further questions or concerns.

Angus, Evan, Mike and Jane

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